Etiket: Horasan

Hz. Mevlana’nın Hayatı

Mevlâna 30 Eylül 1207 yılında bugün Afganistan sınırları içerisinde yer alan Horasan Ülkesi’nin Belh şehrinde doğmuştur. Mevlâna’nın babası Belh Şehrinin ileri gelenlerinden olup, sağlığında “Bilginlerin Sultânı” ünvanını almış olan Hüseyin Hatibî oğlu Bahâeddin Veled’tir. Annesi ise Belh Emiri Rükneddin’in kızı Mümine Hatun’dur.

Sultânü’I-Ulemâ Bahaeddin Veled, bazı siyasi olaylar ve yaklaşmakta olan Moğol istilası nedeniyle Belh’den ayrılmak zorunda kalmıştır. Sultânü’I-Ulemâ 1212 veya 1213 yılllarında aile fertleri ve yakın dostları ile birlikte Belh’den ayrıldı.

Sultânü’I-Ulemâ’nın ilk durağı Nişâbur olmuştur. Nişâbur şehrinde tanınmış mutasavvıf Ferîdüddin Attar ile de karşılaştılar. Mevlâna burada küçük yaşına rağmen Ferîdüddin Attar’ın ilgisini çekmiş ve takdirlerini kazanmıştır.

Sultânü’I Ulemâ Nişabur’dan Bağdat’a ve daha sonra Kûfe yolu ile Kâ’be’ye hareket etti. Hac farîzasını yerine getirdikten sonra, dönüşte Şam’a uğradı. Şam’dan sonra Malatya, Erzincan, Sivas, Kayseri, Niğde yolu ile Lârende’ye (Karaman) geldiler. Karaman’da Subaşı Emir Mûsâ’nın yaptırdıkları medreseye yerleştiler.

1222 yılında Karaman’a gelen Sultânü’/-Ulemâ ve ailesi burada 7 yıl kaldılar. Mevlâna 1225 yılında Şerefeddin Lala’nın kızı Gevher Hatun ile Karaman’da evlendi. Bu evlilikten Mevlâna’nın Sultan Veled ve Alâeddin Çelebi adlı iki oğlu oldu. Yıllar sonra Gevher Hatun’u kaybeden Mevlâna bir çocuklu dul olan Kerrâ Hatun ile ikinci evliliğini yaptı. Mevlâna’nın bu evlilikten de Muzaffereddin ve Emir Âlim Çelebi adlı iki oğlu ile Melike Hatun adlı bir kızı dünyaya geldi.

Bu yıllarda Anadolunun büyük bir kısmı Selçuklu Devleti’nin egemenliği altında idi. Konya’da bu devletin baş şehri idi. Konya sanat eserleri ile donatılmış, ilim adamları ve sanatkarlarla dolup taşmıştı. Kısaca Selçuklu Devleti en parlak devrini yaşıyordu ve Devletin hükümdarı Alâeddin Keykubâd idi. Alâeddin Keykubâd Sultânü’I-Ulemâ Bahaeddin Veled’i Karaman’dan Konya’ya davet etti ve Konya’ya yerleşmesini istedi.

Bahaeddin Veled Sultanın davetini kabul etti ve Konya’ya 3 Mayıs 1228 yılında ailesi ve dostları ile geldiler. Sultan Alâeddin kendilerini muhteşem bir törenle karşıladı ve Altunapa (İplikçi) Medresesi’ni ikametlerine tahsis ettiler.

Sultânü’l-Ulemâ 12 Ocak 1231 yılında Konya’da vefat etti. Mezar yeri olarak, Selçuklu Sarayının Gül Bahçesi seçildi. Halen müze olarak kullanılan Mevlâna Dergâhı’ndaki bugünkü yerine defnolundu.

Sultânü’I-Ulemâ ölünce, talebeleri ve müridleri bu defa Mevlâna’nın çevresinde toplandılar. Mevlâna’yı babasının tek varisi olarak gördüler. Gerçekten de Mevlâna büyük bir ilim ve din bilgini olmuş, İplikçi Medresesi’nde vaazlar veriyordu. Vaazları kendisini dinlemeye gelenlerle dolup taşıyordu.

Mevlâna 15 Kasım 1244 yılında Şems-i Tebrizî ile karşılaştı. Mevlâna Şems’de “mutlak kemâlin varlığını” cemalinde de “Tanrı nurlarını” görmüştü. Ancak beraberlikleri uzun sürmedi. Şems aniden öldü.

Mevlâna Şems’in ölümünden sonra uzun yıllar inzivaya çekildi. Daha sonraki yıllarda Selâhaddin Zerkûbî ve Hüsameddin Çelebi, Şems-i Tebrizî’nin yerini doldurmaya çalıştılar.

Yaşamını “Hamdım, piştim, yandım” sözleri ile özetleyen Mevlâna 17 Aralık 1273 Pazar günü Hakk’ ın rahmetine kavuştu. Mevlâna’nın cenaze namazını Mevlâna’nın vasiyeti üzerine Sadreddin Konevî kıldıracaktı. Ancak Sadreddin Konevî çok sevdiği Mevlâna’yı kaybetmeye dayanamayıp cenazede bayıldı. Bunun üzerine, Mevlâna’nın cenaze namazını Kadı Sıraceddin kıldırdı.

Mevlâna ölüm gününü yeniden doğuş günü olarak kabul ediyordu. O öldüğü zaman sevdiğine yani Allah’ına kavuşacaktı. Onun için Mevlâna ölüm gününe düğün günü veya gelin gecesi manasına gelen “Şeb-i Arûs” diyordu ve dostlarına ölümünün ardından ah-ah, vah-vah edip ağlamayın diyerek vasiyet ediyordu.

“Ölümümüzden sonra mezarımızı yerde aramayınız!
Bizim mezarımız âriflerin gönüllerindedir”
















Photos by ; LE_M@SC, utku kaynar, nilgun erzik, nurzen, EEY, George Kaplan

Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi

“Come, come again, whoever you are, come!
Heathen, fire worshipper or idolatrous, come!
Come even if you broke your penitence a hundred times,
Ours is the portal of hope, come as you are.”

Who is Mevlana?

Mevlana who is also known as Rumi, was a philosopher and mystic of Islam, but not a Muslim of the orthodox type. His doctrine advocates unlimited tolerance, positive reasoning, goodness, charity and awareness through love. To him and to his disciples all religions are more or less truth. Looking with the same eye on Muslim, Jew and Christian alike, his peaceful and tolerant teaching has appealed to men of all sects and creeds.

Mevlana was born on 30 September 1207 in Balkh in present day Afghanistan. He died on 17 December 1273 in Konya in present day Turkey. He was laid to rest beside his father and over his remains a splendid shrine was erected. The 13th century Mevlana Mausoleum with its mosque, dance hall, dervish living quarters, school and tombs of some leaders of the Mevlevi Order continues to this day to draw pilgrims from all parts of the Muslim and non-Muslim world.

Sema is part of the inspiration of Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi (1207- 1273) as well as of Turkish custom, history, beliefs and culture.

Sema: Human Being in the Universal Movement

From a scientific viewpoint we witness that contemporary science definitely confirms that the fundamental condition of our existence is to revolve. There is no object, no being which does not revolve and the shared similarity among beings is the revolution of the electrons, protons and neutrons in the atoms, which constitute the structure of each of them. As a consequence of this similarity, everything revolves and man carries on his live, his very existence by means of the revolution in the atoms, structural stones of his body, by the revolution of his blood, by his coming from the earth and return to it, by his revolving with earth itself.

However, all of these are natural, unconscious revolutions. But man is the possessor of a mind and intelligence which distinguishes him from and makes him superior to other beings. Thus the “whirling dervish” or Semazen causes the mind to participate in the shared similarity and revolution of all other beings… Otherwise, the Sema ceremony represents a mystical journey of man’s spiritual ascent through mind and love to “Perfect.” Turning towards the truth, his growth through love, desert his ego, find the truth and arrive to the “Perfect,” then he return from this spiritual journey as a man who reached maturity and a greater perfection, so as to love and to be of service to the whole of creation, to all creatures without discrimination of believes, races, classes and nations.

Sema consists of seven parts.

The first part

The dervish with his headdress (his ego’s tombstone), his white skirt (his ego’s shroud) is by removing his black cloak spiritually born to the truth, he journeys and advances there. At the onset and each stop of the Sema, holding his arms crosswise he represent the number one, and testifies to God’s unity. While whirling his arms are open, his right hand directed to the skies ready to receive God’s beneficence, looking to his left hand turned toward the earth, he turn from right to left around the heart. This is his way of conveying God’s spiritual gift to the people upon whom he looks with the eyes of God. Revolving around the heart, from right to left, he embraces all the mankind, all the creation with affection and love… It starts with an eulogy “Nat-I Serif” to the Prophet, who represents love, and all Prophets before him. To praise them is praising God, who created all of them

The second part is a drum voice, symbolizing God order to the Creation: “Be.”

The third part is an instrumental improvisation “taksim” with a reed “ney.” It represents the first breath which gives life to everything. The Divine Breath.

The fourth part is the “dervishes” greetings to each other and their thrice repeated circular walk “Devr-i Veled,” with the accompaniment of a music called “peshrev.” It symbolize the salutation of soul to soul concealed by shapes and bodies.

The fifth part is the Sema (whirling). It consists of four salutes or “Selam”s. At the end of each as in the onset, the dervish testifies by his appearance to God’s unity.

The first salute is man’s birth to truth by feeling and mind. His complete conception of the existence of God as Creator and his state of creature. The second salute expresses the rapture of man witnessing the splendor of creation, in front of God’s greatness and omnipotence. The third salute is the transformation of rapture into love and thereby the sacrifice of mind to love. It is a complete submission, it is annihilation of self with in the loved one, it is unity. This state of ecstasy is the highest grade in Buddhism, defined as “Nirvana” and in Islam “Fenafillah.” However, the highest rank in Islam is the rank of the Prophet, he is called God’s servant first and his messenger afterwards. The aim of Sema is not unbroken ecstasy and loss of conscious thought. At the termination of this salute, he approves again by his appearance, arms crosswise the Unity of God, consciously and feelingly. The forth salute Just as the Prophet ascends till the “Throne” and then returns to his task on earth, the whirling dervish reaching the state of “Fenafillah,” return to his task in creation, to his state of subservience following the termination of his spiritual journey and his ascent. He is a servant of God, of his Books, of his Prophets and all his creation.

The first salute is man’s birth to truth by feeling and mind. His complete conception of the existence of God as Creator and his state of creature. The second salute expresses the rapture of man witnessing the splendor of creation, in front of God’s greatness and omnipotence. The third salute is the transformation of rapture into love and thereby the sacrifice of mind to love. It is a complete submission, it is annihilation of self with in the loved one, it is unity. This state of ecstasy is the highest grade in Buddhism, defined as “Nirvana” and in Islam “Fenafillah.” However, the highest rank in Islam is the rank of the Prophet, he is called God’s servant first and his messenger afterwards. The aim of Sema is not unbroken ecstasy and loss of conscious thought. At the termination of this salute, he approves again by his appearance, arms crosswise the Unity of God, consciously and feelingly. The forth salute Just as the Prophet ascends till the “Throne” and then returns to his task on earth, the whirling dervish reaching the state of “Fenafillah,” return to his task in creation, to his state of subservience following the termination of his spiritual journey and his ascent. He is a servant of God, of his Books, of his Prophets and all his creation.

At the sixth part Sema ends with a reading of the Quran and specially of the verse from sura Bakara 2, verse 115, “Unto God belong the East and the West, and whither over ye turn, you are faced with Him. He is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.”

The seventh part is a prayer for the repose of the souls of all Prophets and all believers.